Feature Writing Preview

1.The difference about a hard news lead and the one i read above is that the one above doesn't hook you in and it doesn't have a direct statement to build off of.
 a.)who: 2
3. There are quotes in the writing.
4.No the quotes are just thrown in there in random places. They are also some in the middle of the paragraph.
5.Ted Williams anad Ted Andrews
6."we never knew he had 'the voice" because it expresses surprise.
7.35 paragraphs
8.677 words
9.It significance how important his voice is.
10.The author did that to convey the concept of the story.
11.The story is interesting because it shows the importance of the voice and grabs the reader.
12.Yes it is interesting to hear his voice because its nothing like i expected.
13.The video made me sad because it shows how he went from nothing to something just by his voice and i feel like everyone should have a chance at a good life.
14.Yes the story would have been boring and it would have been totally different
15.Yes but it didn't really work cause it was way different than it thought
16.The author wrote in different ways to create importance.


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