Feature story preview

1. My dad, Chad
2. My mom, My Aunt Lori
3.Meeting my mom
4.Human Intrest
(1)What were your first thoughts?
(2)Were you scared to talk to her?
(3)Where did you meet?
(4)What song was playing?
(5)When did you meet?
(6)Did you know it was true love?
(7)Were you with anyone?
(8)Was she with anyone?
(9)How did you approach her?
(10)Did y'all dance?
(11)What attracted you?
(12)Did you think yall would have come this far?
(13)Where is the place located that yall meet at?
(14)What time of year was it?
(15)What were your first reactions for Nick and Matt?
(16)Were you okay with being a dad to two boys?
(17)When you laid eyes on her what did you think?
(18)What was her reaction of you?
(19)What was she wearing?
(20)Explain the story in detail.


(1)What were your first thoughts of dad?
(2) What are your favorite memories from that night?
(3) Was it love at first sight?
(4)Do you regret your decision?
(5)Do you wish you could change how your meet?

7.They met at a bar when they were younger
my dad bought her a drink
two guys were falling for my mom
she picked my dad (obviously)
The place they met is super popular
8.Over thanksgiving on Friday when me and my dad are watching football.
9. Watching football while everyone is doing there own thing and its quiet.
10.Im going to write it down and remember things that others add on. Mainly write everything.


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