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As His Parting Gift, Urban Meyer Give Ohio State a Rose Bowl Victory.

Head Coach Urban Meyer leads the Ohio State Buckeyes to his first ever Rose Bowl victory. The bowl marked his last game as a head coach since he announced his retirement earlier that year.

Rushing Touchdowns: A scoring play in football requiring a quarterback (or other player on the same team) in possession of the ball) to keep the football, hand off or lateral the football to another offensive player, who then must break the plane of the opponent's end-zone goal line while maintaining possession of the ball.

Quaterback Dwayne Haskins- "best Performances in college football history"

The article is a Recap while also a feature. Since its about the Rose Bowl game against the Ohio State Buckeyes and The Washington Huskies it also talks about Urban Meyer and his last time coaching football and winning his first ever Rose Bowl game.

The article shows Game Scores of the Rose Bowl game and how Ohio won 28-23 over Washington.


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