Blog #4-Magazine part II

Early Magazine Covers: There were not very many words. The covers weren't Descriptive and didn't have a lot of info. The magazines looked like books. The covers were simple and easy. There weren't many styles and images available at the time.

The Poster Cover:  Poster covers had no words. The covers only consisted of photo. They were very simple and easy to make. The photographs brought the ideas and the info that the cover was about. It was a new style that magazine covers had never had.

Pictures Married To Type: This style of cover was all about drawing the reader deeper in the cover. While creating new styles and ways to make covers. That brought ideas for modern covers.

In The Forest Of Words: This style moved away from photos and more to words. Words that made the cover more powerful and brought more detail to the cover. The more words the more detailed and bold the cover was.


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