Media Literacy

1. Three sources that are original facts and neutral bias are ABC news, CBS news, and NBC news.

2. Three sources that are mostly analysis and slant liberal are Daily Beast, Mic, and Vanity Fair.

3.  Three sources that are mostly analysis and slant conservative are, the weekly Standard, and National Review. 

4.  Two sources that are liberal and extreme partisan bias are Forward Progressives, David Wolfe and two sources that are conservative and extreme partisan bias are Fox New, The Federalist.

5. Fact- A statement that can be proven true. 

6. Opinion- Your thought on something or what you think.

7. Informed Opinions- Your opinion of a fact or a opinion that can be backed up by facts.

8. When writing the dispatch you can find facts through interviews, statistics.

9.  The students or teachers might provide informed opinions on articles that we write. 

10.  When your writing about sports or something and you have an opinion you might just start adding them in without thinking about it cause your thinking about it.

11. Some clues to show that your opinion is in your writing is when your editing you see i think.. or i disagree. Using the word i puts your opinion in the writing. 

12.  The 1st amendment gives the right to freedom of press.

13. The amendment says " congress shall make no law respecting an of establishment of ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.."

14. The purpose of media and journalism is to share info and news through writing.

15. I noticed that all the titles are about the news being divided by bias or about the conservative media.

16. Yes some bias of certain media is evident based on what i saw.

17.  I don't really know why they chose to cover over things maybe they wanted to hid stuff from people.

18. I think the coverage should be the same it should have all the facts no matter how people are going to react or what their opinion is. 

19. Yes its okay for some media to be slanted a little cause everyone has a opinion on things but it shouldn't change the story to much.

20.  I mean if you wanna see what other peoples thoughts about it are then you can click on it even tho you don't agree. 

21. The media can accurately report on whats going on through facts and stories from people who heard about it.


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