Final Exam Part 3
Television violence is leading our world to a violent place. The violence kids are seeing on tv is changing the kids. Kids are watching the news which is filled with violence and then we wonder why there are so many shootings and people being killed. All the kids have been raised watching tv and all they see is how someone is killing someone else and they think it's okay. It's not okay to let our generation and younger to think its okay to kill people or be violent. We teaching our kids to be violent we need to turn this around and see how it affects our lives and the world around us. Maybe if we raise our kids in healthy and safe environments there wouldn't be so many deadly things going on. If kids are raised with cartoons and fun filled tv there wouldn't even be the idea of killing people because they saw it on tv and so its okay. When our generation grew up most of us only watch barney, dora and...