1.)Three emotions i have experienced in the past week are anger, sadness, and denial and i felt these from all the things going on in the world around me.
2.)Three things or situation that have given me a sense of satisfaction or accomplishment are getting people out in softball, good plays and smacking the ball to outfield.
3.)Three things i worry about are not being good enough for everyone, not getting a softball scholarship and most of all if my grandpas going to survive his cancer.
4.)Three things that frustrate me are boys and their stupid feelings about everything, not getting somebody out, and when people make stupid plays.
5.)Three things i need are a scholarship, a education and a good future.
6.)Three things teachers worry about its messing up when teaching, not getting grades done, and what they are going to teach about.
7.) Three things that give teachers a sense of satisfaction or accomplishment is someone exceeding everyone else, good grades, and when their job is made easier by kids being good.
8.)Three things i like about my school/community is the environment, everything that we have at our fingertips, and my teachers.
9.) Three things i dislike about my school/community is the people, the area, and how things run i don't like the city/city people.
10.) One trend i have noticed is that people are mean to other people for absolutely no reason and its affecting certain people.


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