composition 2- 9/11 pictures
1. Rule of thirds ~ position the most important elements in your scene along these lines, or at the points where they intersect. This picture shows rule of thirds because the main subject to the side and the scene goes along this the lines. The towers also meet at one of the lines points. 2. Balancing Elements (balance) ~Placing your main subject off-centre, as with the rule of thirds, creates a more interesting photo, but it can leave a void in the scene which can make it feel empty. You can achieve a balanced composition and even out the main subject's "visual weight" by including another object of lesser importance to fill the space. This pictures shows Balancing Elements because the main subject is off center and the people make lines to the dust in the back of the burning towers. 3. Leading Lines (lines) ~ you can affect the way we view the image, pulling us into the picture, towards the subject, or on a journey "through" the scene. The...